...which is why you can only read it unspelled. If you have forgotten (or, God forbid, never even learned) how to read unspelled English, this magic decoder card should get you started.
And if you have forgotten (or, God forbid, never even learned) what Unspell is, it is everything the doctor ordered: a magic bullet for the young, a way to hold Alzheimer’s at bay for the old, and a potent lifehack for everyone. It can bridge many gaps: between the undereducated and the overeducated, between written and oral culture, between accent and dialect, between graffiti and ornament...
And now, the gossip:
MOt rEkt Y bnspEl MEP sXt MOS YVt A RGl lOt OF RGsteT kOntent sBTenlh ThsvpHdT. YHs MOS nG VkshTent: Y pDson respOnshPl fOr RGsthN Ht TelIted Ht Hn A fHt OF pIk Y TC Vftd trBmp KOt elEkteT. Mot OPlhKCteT RHm tU RGst YHs kOntent MOS Y MDk X THT On RHS sXt, “mVs trClS TOt OrK,” fOr MHj X rGt A kBstom sDj EnJhn (MHj Ht stHl LUSeS). X TOnt mXnT; X MOnt pIpl tU PI Cpl tU fXnT plCseS tU KG RXkhN + mWntan PXkhN Hn + arWnT mvsajUsets. + MOt trHKdT YHs pUd snGflck MOS mI pOLnthN Wt YVt RHldh klHnton HS A mVs mDTdd + A tErdhst sbpOrtd, MXl neKlEkthN tU prOpdlh FDjLu-sHKnal mX BmPraJ Vt trBmps rCshSm, sEkshSm, fVzhSm + MotEFd Els. Hn Enh kCs, X spEnt A TC KGhN yrU + replCshN Ol Y RArT-kGTeT rEfdenseS tU “mVs trClS TOt OrK” MHY HnlxnT HmaJeS + mUFhN TwnlGTaPl kOntent tU TrOp-POks. X MOSnt CPl tU restOr A kBpl OF onlXn tUlS. (Hf LU nG RW tU Hnlxn “TOt OK” OThg fXlS YVt MDks krOs-PrWSd, plIS lEt mI nG). VS fOr Y rEst OF LU, enJOL…

So help me god, if this is a Rickroll...*shakes fist*
Ahhh—now I'll have to open my Unspell book back up, to figure this out. I confess that, while I did go through it when it first arrived, I didn't give it enough attention. So many new and interesting things to learn in this world; hard to focus sometimes!
Something about the unspell website, but, Uff...is hard for a non english native to go from how it sounds to understand how it's written. Bad reading habits maybe :-(
Um... Am I the only one who got redirected to ww8.unspell.it with some ads when trying to get http://unspell.it/ ?
unspell.it is no longer registered and there are no links to it.
Glad to read the gossip and thanks for the fun puzzle and reminder to keep practicing the unspell. Also, it reminds me not to forget to throw in a little virtue signaling here and there so as not to be suspect :).
Unspell is brilliant. It is interesting to imagine how it could become more widely adopted. Wish I had the skills to help with the audio files. I hope to see an unspell site again. Is that the plan?
After decoding that I now have more sympathy for my son who is learning to read English. Long live Unspell!
What do you mean there are no links to unspell.it? It's right at the top of the decoder card!
The domain registration expired (it was expensive) and I haven't been able to find the source document for the card.
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