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Troy Coulterman |
Unspell is proceeding apace. Meanwhile, here is a guest post by
Claire about her firsthand experience teaching people to read in
write using the “diabolical” English orthography. Teachers like
her, who have the knowledge and the skill to achieve superior
results, are few and far between. The average results are abysmal: it
takes upwards of eight years of formal instruction for native English
speakers to achieve adequate literacy, and as many as ten for
non-natives. Many of them never make it. Meanwhile, it takes a year
or so to achieve the same results given almost any reasonably
designed orthography. The opportunity cost to society of English
spelling is absolutely staggering. But help is on the way: Unspell is
specifically designed to be learnable “by osmosis.”]
Twelve years ago I was shocked to find
I had no idea how to teach anyone to read and write. For most people
this would be no reason to panic. But it was for me because I was in
my final year of teacher training. Incredibly, I’d spent nearly
four years in the education faculty of an Australian university and
no one had mentioned the mechanics of the English writing system,
where it originated and how to teach it. This omission seemed even
more bizarre when I later discovered that English is one of the
hardest languages to learn to read and write.
So instead of being taught something
useful, I had to read scores of academic articles about how to create
a language-rich classroom in which to immerse my students. All this
richness and immersion was somehow meant to help children “emerge
into literacy” provided they were “exposed” to truckloads of
print. In other words, learning to read and write would occur via
osmosis with little or no instruction from me.
Despite this ludicrous premise, it
didn’t immediately occur to me that this osmosis theory is bonkers.
So I went along with the charade until it hit me that our writing
system is a human invention that needs to be taught. Like driving,
for instance. A car is a human contrivance in need of a driver to
navigate it around the landscape. Yet no one seriously expects a
learner driver to “emerge into driving” by standing on a street
corner and being “exposed” to traffic. Learner drivers need
direct instruction on how to handle a car and no one is idiotic
enough to suggest otherwise.
And yet, when it comes to teaching one
of the world’s most fearsome orthographies, we seem to think the
less instruction the better. And even when we do give instructions,
they’re often wrong or misguided. This is a disastrous way to
approach a complex written language and the functional illiteracy
rate in English-speaking countries attests to this.
Strangely, this pedagogical boondoggle
did not occur in the education faculty’s mathematics department. I
have no recollection of anyone arguing that children “emerge into
numeracy” provided they are “exposed” to lots of numbers.
Instead, it was made clear that mathematics is a human invention that
needs systematic instruction. Consequently, I was taught how
to teach our number system.
Anyway, after I stopped panicking I
figured that if I was going to teach children to read and write a
difficult writing system, then I was going to have to do it properly.
Luckily, I encountered a book by Geoffrey and Carmen McGuinness
called Reading Reflex. It taught me the structure of the
English written language, where it originated and how to teach it. It
also confirmed what I suspected – that reading and writing need
careful and systematic instruction, especially with an orthography as
diabolical as ours. And the thing is, children can learn to
read and write English provided those who teach them know what
they’re dealing with. The trouble is, many of us don’t. Because
we’re not trained to deal with it.
Here’s what we’re dealing with: A
code. An alphabet code we inherited from the Romans, who, inspired by
the Ancient Greeks and the Phoenicians, created it by listening to
the sounds of their language and devising a symbol to represent each
of these sounds. Consequently, if the sound-based nature of this
alphabet code is misunderstood, then written English is not taught in
the way it was designed. The result: lots and lots of people who can
barely read and write.
So it makes sense to teach it well. But
nothing makes much sense in our society, so the teaching of reading
and writing makes little sense either. Frankly, I’m amazed anyone
reads and writes at all given the poor training teachers receive and
the haphazard way literacy is taught.
Something else I didn’t learn at
university. A writing system like English is called an opaque
alphabet code. This means we have more than one symbol for each
sound and more than one way to read and write each sound. This
contrasts with transparent alphabet codes like Italian, Spanish and
German where there is mainly one way to read and write each sound.
It’s no surprise, then, that this makes transparent codes easy to
teach and learn.
And, believe it or not, English itself
was once a transparent code. Here’s the sad story:
Once upon a time, English had a perfect
written language. It was easy to read and easy to write. One sound
equalled one way of reading and writing it. English was as near to
phonetic written perfection as you can imagine. Two Dark Age
luminaries were responsible for this linguistic marvel. The first was
an Anglo-Saxon king and the second, an Irish bishop. Astonishingly,
in the wilds of Northumbria in 635 AD, King Oswald and Bishop Aiden
created a writing system we now know as Old English. Somehow it
managed to survive centuries of Viking mayhem before finally meeting
its Waterloo at the Battle of Hastings when the Norman-French army
defeated the Anglo-Saxon King Harold II in 1066.
Old English then suffered such a
calamitous decline that I’m thankful King Oswald and Bishop Aiden
never lived to see its fate. This is because English has gone from a
near-perfect writing system to a bizarre creature that needs to be
wrestled to the ground. Where once it was delightfully easy to read
and write, it is now a mad jumble of multiple spellings for the same
sound and multiple ways to read the same sound.
Of course, the
Norman-French weren’t the only ones responsible for this linguistic
farrago. As I’ve already said, the Vikings had already done their
best to obliterate Old English with their raids on libraries and
monasteries, but early Medieval English priests, judges and scholars
also joined the fray and threw Latin and Greek spellings into an
already heady mix of Anglo-Saxon, Danish and Norman French.
The upshot of all this Norman invading
and Viking pillaging and nerdy Latin/Greek obsession is that English
ended up with no less than five languages and their
orthographies layered over one another: Anglo-Saxon, Danish, Norman
French, Classical Latin and Greek. No wonder modern English is so
tricky to read and write.
Anyway, several years after I
graduated, I felt confident enough to start my own remedial reading
and spelling business. I had no shortage of pupils, all of whom were
doing their best to make sense of a written language that made no
sense to them whatsoever. At their first lesson, I told them about
English and how it had once been easy to read and write. I then told
them about King Oswald and Bishop Aiden. I also suggested that they
blame at least some of their spelling woes on the Vikings and the
Norman French and the medieval scholars and judges and priests.
It was at this point that their faces
softened. Finally, they could relax. It wasn’t their fault. They
were not stupid. They were just stuck trying to understand a writing
system that had strayed a long way from King Oswald’s and Bishop
Aiden’s original, magnificent creation. For theirs was a linguistic
masterpiece that, had it survived, would make the lives of countless
children and adults less miserable and throw people like me out of a
Reading Reflex, McGuinness, C. &
McGuinness, G., Simon & Schuster, New York, 1999.
Early Reading Instruction,
McGuinness, D.,The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2004
...Don't forget all the borrowed words!
Wherever English met foreign cultures (and in the age of empire, this was everywhere) they incorporated the words they found wholesale, like "Succotash" or "Tsunami". For more fun, they may--or may not--have retained the original spelling.
Couldn't have said it better myself. Excellent short history of our written language!
The Distar system of teaching phonetics is quite effective. Designed for use with learning disabled, but works fine for other kids as well. Sorry to see the the anti-phonetic crowd penetrated beyond the American school systems.
I feel so sorry for you and all English speaking people :(
In Finnish it´s so simple. One alphabet means just one phonetic sound with just couple of regular exceptions.
I played with my kids with alphabet blocks, teaching them what alphabet means what sound and making some short words.
My daughter remembers when she learned to read. She saw a gas station sign ESSO from the car window and understood what that meant. And since age of four both my kids read and they have read a lot...
How about that you could change just writing the words to correspond to phonemes?
The trouble is that English spelling is antiphonetic: almost any vowel letter or combination can represent almost any vowel sound. Phonics is a system of putting lipstick on a pig.
That was interesting. Thanks.
I feel a certain chagrin - I think that some of us, for whom the "mastery" of English came early and easily, are the same that would believe in the "osmosis" thing.
(To put "mastery" in perspective - English is my first and only language. So I'm not exactly bragging.)
Maybe it might be wise, for reasons of analytical clarity, to distinguish two "directions" of opacity:
1. Several possible signs for/ways of writing the same sound.
2. Several possible ways of reading out the same sound.
English is opaque in both these directions, whereas French is mainly opaque in the first direction. That is, given how a French word is pronounced, it is difficult guessing how it should be spelled ("tant" and "temps" are pronounced the same way), but given how it is spelled, pronunciation can be fairly straightforwardly read off.
An example of the reverse state of affairs can perhaps be found in the old Norse runic writing system, where the number of signs is less than the number of sounds, and a given spelling hence corresponds to several possible pronunciations. More recent examples can probably be provided by the polyglottal among us.
One thing to note is that it is mainly the first direction of opacity that constitutes a problem for teaching children. The second direction presents more of a problem for adult second language learners, who often encounter words in their written form first, especially if they learn by taking a course.
I'd like to see an example, or some examples, of English writing of the sort that is easy to read/write.
I like the concept of a "better" alphabet but wonder if there is duplication of effort. Dmitry have you tried to work with Paul Vandenbrink whose alternative system Revised Shaw is here: http://www.shawalphabet.com
Actually, it's the other way around. Ability to pronounce arbitrary text based on a set of rules is the key to quickly learning to read, while multiple spellings of the same word only slow down learning to write.
Shavian is quite horrible. I based my design on quite a lot of research, then carefully optimized it. It is not a random collection of squiggles, which is what Shavian is.
Designed for use with learning disabled,but works fine
my daughter remembers when she learned to read.
Excellent short history of our written language!
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James R. Martin said...
I'd like to see an example, or some examples, of English writing of the sort that is easy to read/write.
Tseims R. Maatin sed...
Ai'd laik ty sii ön ixämpl, oor sam ixämpls, of Inglish wraiting of thö soort thät is iisi ty riid/wrait.
This is example by using Finnish alphabets :). English alphabets differs how they are listed as sounds...
Finnish ä is like a in "sad mad ad" and a is like a in car.
Finnish ö is like ir in girl without r sound, o is like o in dog.
HoHoFoo -
There are a few problems with your example. One is that it looks like a foreign language; another is that it is, according to the English sense of esthetics, ugly; the third is that enough exposure to it, and one's spelling is sure to go to pot, because it interferes with it. This is why Project Unspell does not use the Latin alphabet but a different set of symbols, which don't look like any known thing, but are carefully optimized for English, and use a completely separate perceptual mechanism.
Yes. I couldn't agree more with all your three points.
But this was just an example.
Good luck for your project...
I have a PhD from Princeton in English but I've never really learned to spell. I started asking my son how to spell things when he was about age nine. I figured the whole point of English was to make jokes and double en..(Liam, how do you spell en...?) entendres. A whole language based on misunderstanding is kind of poetic. On the other hand, I've never done very well with women, and I think it might have something to do with this. Oh dear, they're going to make me spell something just to post this. Liam?
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