Friday, November 14, 2008

Second Radio Ecoshock Interview

I recently recorded my second interview with Alex Smith of Radio Ecoshock, in which we discuss Bailout 2.0 Beta, how to find food, what to do with repatriated troops, where you can stick your money (should you still have any) to avoid being overcome by its putrid smell, and how having one's predictions come true is not necessarily a happy outcome. My first interview with him was rebroadcast by over 40 radio stations. Now that it's no longer a guessing game as to whether collapse is real, we should be able to do a lot better. Then again, the worse things get, the more of a reason people have to keep on faking it.


Unknown said...

Hi Dmitry, I have been spreading the word in the Philippines about your book, blog spot etc. I particularly related to what you said about neighbors interference in peoples attempts to prepare for collapse by gardening, catching rainwater, wind power etc. Lets hope the Governments in 'Civilized' countries hear this and get real on these issues. I can tell the reader that I have only seen lawns in 1% of yards in this country; yet 90% are growing some kind of food, even in densely populated towns. If anyone tried to stop Filipino's from this practice they would go berserk!

Michael Dawson said...

Alas, there are ideological boondoggles, as well as economic ones...

Anonymous said...

In this interview you use the following words: "...Refusing to believe the fiction that everyone insisted was real…you start looking at what it is basically start to see which way it is heading". You obviously talk a lot about where it is all headed. Would you mind elaborating on that "fiction" that everyone insists to be real and on what is fundamentally there? I assume you have the economic structure in mind and I have been having a hard time finding a consistent, comprehensive, and unbiased source on the subject. A reference towards previous discussions/articles of yours or any other related material on the topic would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for sharing your ideas and thoughts with everyone.

Dmitry Orlov said...

Hello George,

I don't know of a "consistent, comprehensive, and unbiased" source on this subject either. But perhaps that's too much to ask. Insiders lack an outsider's perspective, and outsiders can't be bothered to please insiders by being "consistent, comprehensive, and unbiased." It's sort of like turning up at a soup kitchen and demanding to see the recipe. But it might not be altogether necessary: people can get a clue anyway, just as they can be fed without being 100% sure what's in their soup. If you want to be certain what's fake, you can be certain that certainty itself is most definitely fake, and anyone who tells you otherwise is lying. Maybe.

Anonymous said...

Dmitry you know how I know that the collapse is here? When I go applying for jobs and many of the businesses have run out of job applications {because so many people are job hunting}. You and I email each other so you have an idea about my honesty. For other readers my name is Neil Lori and I live in Montclair NJ and this happened at 4 out of 7 places I walked into to apply for jobs. Note: Montclair sure is not a poor town. I try to be real and keep it real and with over 20 years of work experience this is the worst I ever observed!!!!!
Neil Lori Greenhawk Patriots

Anonymous said...

Dimitry, thanks for your excellent ongoing commentary on the situation and for your book. When do you think the new regime will tell the population that the American way of life is not only "negotiable" but will in fact be impossible? How will the new regime deal with the sense of entitlement, grown over decades, that the population has regarding consumption, comfort and stability? I have not heard anything from Obama or his advisers that shows they intend to tell people the truth. If and when they do, the reactions will be very interesting. Keep up the good work!

Dmitry Orlov said...

"When do you think the new regime will tell the population that the American way of life is not only "negotiable" but will in fact be impossible?"

I don't think they would do that under any circumstances. Old regime or new, the differences are minor. Both involve the same set of public personae, who follow the same triumphalist script. If they can't follow that script, their political careers come to an abrupt end, as happened to Gorbachev and the Politburo. They will delay that moment for as long as possible, and then either flee the country or go into hiding.

Anonymous said...

I do think that the US military understands the concept of collapse. Just google 1st Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division. It is now assigned to NORAD for domestic duty, Civil Defense, and against terrorism. As an infantry brigade is useless against terrorists, that is the job of the FBI, let look at the Civil Defense aspect.

They are being trained to cope with massive urban riots. Let us also look at the Atlanta Heat Island, something I have been watching for a year and a half.

The water supply has been steadily decreasing. Assume that suddenly, the population realizes it reached a point where life as they know it is no longer possible. Many of them might decide to move somewhere else, all at once.

Atlanta has 5 million people, even 1 million suddenly hitting the road will be tremendously destabilizing to neighboring areas.

In such an incident, an infantry brigade would not be enough to keep Atlanteans in place, you would need the entire division.

As the emergency progresses, and food deliveries become more difficult, and climate change cause reduction in water resources in many areas, such scenario's will occur.

The military is beginning to prepare.

Anonymous said...


The information in your interview is interesting, vital, and makes one think.

However, I must take issue with one point, the repatriation of troops. Your plan is romantic... and scary! To use your word, 'shameful', it was ultimately 'shameful' to recruit, train, and send them to foreign wars in the first place. Now to bring them to a 'home' where in the best of times they have little hope, compounds the error. Can anyone spell 'police state' anymore?

I see these troops employed to expropriate produce that people are growing/raising on their own, to support an aristocracy even more entrenched than today. Some famines are engineered (although one may not say so to a Russian speaker, it never happened). Now what's shameful?

Dmitry Orlov said...

Rob -

What is shameful is recruiting young people to fight for freedom and democracy and then abandoning them in a hostile foreign land. What use they are put to back home (planting potatoes? digging drainage ditches?) is a different question.

This will be the last comment from Rob, who likes to engage in fruitless polemics.

Max von Schuler-Kobayashi said...

I think our Mr. Rob is a little too fond of conspiracies. Frankly, as long as the troops remain disciplined, there is no worry about them ravaging your vegetable plot. The danger is from groups of desperate starving people leaving collapsing cities. The troops should keep them in control. We hope so.

However if things progress to the point where the troops lose their discipline, they simply become another mob. At this point, there is really no safe haven, except to become the leader of a raging mob yourself. Then you might enjoy life for as long as it lasts.

One hint Mr. Rob, you would do better in human relations if you forgo personal insults.

Anonymous said...

I apologise for my tone and for putting my foot in my mouth. A paradigm shift makes for a confusing time. Next time I'll save the text in notepad and wait a day before publishing. My only other thought is that I feel very very alienated, surrounded by environmentalists whose comprehension is limited to bumper stickers on the SUV. Am looking for serious discussion of concrete skills... If you put up a windmill, where do the severely life-limited consumables such as batteries and controllers come from?

Anonymous said...

Rob, in the middle of this implosion you have to enlist people, be it environmentalists of be it burly raw meat eaters. The paradigm shift has postive potencial consequence: recovering conviviality. You don't have to agree with everybody on everything in order to collaborate on concrete projects. If you're married, I bet you already know that!