Apologies to the 18 people who bought tickets; they will be refunded.
I'll recycle the questions people have raised into blog posts instead.
Where? Studio 353 353 West 48 St. New York City, NY 10036
When? July 11, 2009 6:30-8:30 PM
How much? $20 (Buy tickets here.)
Here are some topics for you to choose from or add to (ahead of time) by submitting comments. The venue happens to be in New York, and I can talk fast, so let it rip. (This list came from Phil who organized the event. I'll pick items of interest based on the feedback I get.)
- How our society has moved from one of generalists to specialists making us especially vulnerable and resistant to reengaging with nature and our ability to have numerous skills.
- The continuing attraction of obtaining advanced degrees despite evidence that only debt and unemployment are the end results of such efforts.
- People returning to school recently for degrees in Urban Planning, Ecology, etc., with the belief that the degree will result in some great future: are they going to make a paradigm shift, or are they just smoking crack?
- The talk by many older “star” authors and speakers that there is a mass movement by our youth to recapture the spirit of the 1960’s and to correct the state of the world as it exists.
- The belief that the Internet and Digital Media are here to stay.
- Permaculture: There seems to be a real disconnect between theory and putting it into practice.
- Fixation with Permaculture as The Solution; how is that similar to/different from fixating on technology in general?
- Why is there a dire shortage of hippies in the country and what should the government do to address it?
- The ethics of reducing population and resource share: is there a distinction between planned population reduction and fascism?
- Can Permaculture avoid the trap of other movements that wind up in power when those in charge come to believe theirs is the only solution.
- Will Permaculture teachers continue jetting around until there is no jet fuel left?
- What can we do about the desire and pressure to continue having children while acknowledging the limited carrying capacity of the planet?
- Vegetarians and Vegans – How can not eating certain things solve the problem?
- Can a green economy help us continue on the road of exponential growth.
- What of all the talk of products and patents locked up by the evil oil companies that can deliver us from the problems we’ve created?
- Is a utopian society possible? What, at this point, qualifies as a utopian society? How would it be different from a dystopia?
- Are people ready or willing to make drastic changes and take the huge personal risks that circumstances demand?
- With so many forms of media at our disposal, are we less able to communicate than ever before.
- Are we on information overload. Can we still differentiation between what is true and false. How does one navigate this? Is it even possible?
- Why is there an enduring allure of technology as the great fix?
- Russia vs the US - where is Russia today? Where is the US today?
- How can we shield ourselves from the disintegration of social services, the money system, and other bits of communal life support?
- What things happened in Russia during descent that will/will not occur in the U.S.
- How do I feel knowing about this? How do I go on?
- What do I think of the Transition Town movement? Is it workable for all cities no matter their size?
- The Left: is it so fractured that the pieces can accomplish nothing of substance?
- Why is each segment seem oblivious to the interconnection that exists between the environment, energy and economy?
- Why is there still a belief that Obama can correct the situation despite evidence that it is business as usual (banking, healthcare, new automobile standards, automotive industry bailout, build more roads, etc.)?
- Why is the food movement focusing on bringing food to you instead of bringing you to food?
- Why is there all this talk of making changes, but little understanding that what is being suggested is akin to bailing out the Titanic using teaspoons?
- Why is there no understand that we don’t have 30 more years to course-correct?
- Why are those who speak the hard truth labeled as being ‘Doomers”?
- What would it mean to bear responsibility for the role each and every one of us plays in what is unfolding?
- How do we tap the creative spirit in ourselves?