An article at www.energybulletin.net by a Russian now living in the US, recently came to my attention. In an excerpt from what has expanded into a book to be published next Spring Dmitry Orlov writes, “I watched the Soviet Union collapse, and this has given me insights to describe what the American collapse will look like.” Orlov’s pending book is entitled “Reinventing Collapse: The Soviet Experience and American Prospects.” (www.newsociety.com) “Collapse” seems appropriate to describe where the US economy may be headed.
Orlov reveals various ingredients in the collapse of “modern military-industrial superpowers,” including a shortfall in the production of crude oil, foreign trade deficit, runaway military budget, and a ballooning foreign debt. He compares the USSR and the USA on these matters, adding the importance of “a humiliating military defeat.” Iraq may be to the USA what Afghanistan was to the USSR. Even with its $1 trillion military budget--larger than those of all the rest of the world combined--the US has been unable to subdue small, weak Iraq. Imagine what might happen with the much larger and more powerful Iran.
Friday, November 23, 2007
"Reinventing Collapse" in the press
Shepherd Bliss, in a recent article published by EnergyBulletin.net - "The approaching holiday shopping spree as the U.S. economy declines" - mentions my Reinventing Collapse, based on an excerpt he received from my publisher:
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Reinventing Collapse

The book is due out in May of 2008 from New Society Publishers. In the coming months, as the final manuscript comes together, I will post some excerpts, so stay tuned.
If you want to get a copy as soon as soon as it comes out, you can pre-order it from Amazon.