Sunday, April 12, 2020

Hermitix Podcast: Coronavirus, Economics and Culture

YouTube link

Supporting Hermitix:

Due to the ongoing Coronavirus epidemic my future employment is uncertain at best. As such I believe it’s finally time that I turn Hermitix into everything it can be. I have updated the Patreon page with new and unique rewards alongside adding in 3 clear stretch goals. The purpose of these stretch goals is to allow me to pursue the continuation of Hermitix as a full-time job.

The first goal is a mere $1000 per month, this is the smallest amount I can live off. I will work on Hermitix as much as did when I was a joiner, 44 hours per week. The quality will not diminish and the quantity will be raised. Full-time Hermitix will commence 2 months after reaching the first stretch goal, allowing me ample time to get my affairs in order and produce a backlog of content.

Becoming a Patron today not only allows for the indefinite continuation of Hermitix, but also allows you to become part of something much larger. The rewards for becoming a Patron include: Discord access, eBooks, Paperbacks, Merchandise and Influence.

Please support Hermitix at:
Hermitix Patreon
Hermitix Merchandise
One off Donations at Ko-Fi
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